I have the following code which used compile in Swift 2 however won't in Swift 4.2. The range function that returns a boolean is no longer a part of the Calendar data type however it is a part of the NSCalendar data type. Is there a way I can use or format this function to make it compile in Swift 4.2?
extension Calendar {
Returns a tuple containing the start and end dates for the week that the
specified date falls in.
func weekDatesForDate(date: NSDate) -> (start: NSDate, end: NSDate) {
var interval: TimeInterval = 0
var start: NSDate?
range(of: .weekOfYear, start: &start, interval: &interval, for: date as Date)
let end = start!.addingTimeInterval(interval)
return (start!, end)
I've tried the following however the range function isn't the same and doesn't compile:
extension NSCalendar {
Returns a tuple containing the start and end dates for the week that the
specified date falls in.
func weekDatesForDate(date: NSDate) -> (start: NSDate, end: NSDate) {
var interval: TimeInterval = 0
var start: NSDate?
range(of: .weekOfYear, start: &start, interval: &interval, for: date as Date)
let end = start!.addingTimeInterval(interval)
return (start!, end)
The equivalent of range(of:start:interval:for:)
in Calendar
is dateInterval(of:start:interval:for:)
Don't use NSDate
in Swift
extension Calendar {
Returns a tuple containing the start and end dates for the week that the
specified date falls in.
func weekDatesForDate(date: Date) -> (start: Date, end: Date) {
var interval: TimeInterval = 0
var start = Date()
dateInterval(of: .weekOfYear, start: &start, interval: &interval, for: date)
let end = start.addingTimeInterval(interval)
return (start, end)
I recommend to use dedicated DateInterval
as return value rather than a tuple:
extension Calendar {
Returns a tuple containing the start and end dates for the week that the
specified date falls in.
func weekDatesForDate(date: Date) -> DateInterval {
var interval: TimeInterval = 0
var start = Date()
dateInterval(of: .weekOfYear, start: &start, interval: &interval, for: date)
let end = start.addingTimeInterval(interval)
return DateInterval(start: start, end: end)