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Unable to protect the code from reverse engineering in eclipse

I'm working on old project of android which is in eclipse. For this i'm trying to protect the code while doing reverse engineering (I know 100% obfuscation is not possible but trying to give some protection for the source code). To do this i've implemented like this



-dontwarn roboguice.**

After using this i'm exporting the signed APK file but i'm able to extract the source code from apk file by using these online tools (tool1, tool2). Can anyone give the thought to protect code by using Proguard in Eclipse


  • 100% obfuscation is not possible but we can give some protection as below


    Open build.graddle

    It'll be in following location in eclipse

    enter image description here

    And mention

    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

    It will be inside of android as mentioned here

    Android Studio

    Open build.graddle (App level not project level)

    enter image description here

    Mention minifyEnabled true as said in eclipse