I understand what they are and I have seen examples regarding these. One such example is
{t.Fname,t.Lname|Employee(t) AND (∃d)(Department(d) AND d.Dname='Research' AND d.Dnumber=t.Dno)}
Now what is the difference between above and this
{t.Fname,t.Lname|Employee(t) AND Department(d) AND d.Dname='Research' AND d.Dnumber=t.Dno}
And how is
(∀x) (P(x)) ≡ NOT (∃x) (NOT (P(x)))
Can someone please explain ?
For every x P(x) means that all x satisfy P, which means that there doesn't exist an x which doesn't satisfy P, hence
(∀x) (P(x)) ≡ NOT (∃x) (NOT (P(x)))