I tried to find some informations about connect by "engine". I found this post: Confusion with Oracle CONNECT BY
User krokodilko answered and says:
The analyze of the last query:
select level from dual connect by rownum<10;
I leave to you as a homework assignment.
So i tried to do exactly as described to query
Select rownum from dual connect by rownum < 3
And here's my "work":
SELECT * FROM step1;
create table step2 as
SELECT 2 "LEVEL" from dual
JOIN step1 "PRIOR" on rownum <=3;
SELECT * FROM step2;
create table step3 as
select 3 "LEVEL" from dual
join step2 "PRIOR" on rownum <=3;
SELECT * FROM step3;
create table step4 as
select 4 "LEVEL" from dual
join step3 "PRIOR" on rownum <=3;
SELECT * FROM step4;
But last SELECT still returns rows. Am I misunderstood something? Every time i Select LEVEL + 1 "LEVEL" it has rownum = 1 so it's always true. So am i failed steps?
The explanation in Krokodilko's answer is simply wrong. You may disregard the "Correct Answer" mark and the numerous upvotes, it's still wrong. It is interesting that he left as an exercise exactly the case that proves the explanation is wrong.
query doesn't work "as if" new tables (or new output rowsets of SELECT
statements, anyway) are generated at each step. This is the mistake in the argument.
Rather, there is only one rowset generated overall (across all steps). It is true that new rows are added based on the rows generated at the previous step; but the rowset itself is one, and growing, not separate rowsets.
This is particularly relevant with regard to ROWNUM
is assigned to rows in a single "result" rowset, starting with 1. In a CONNECT BY
query, there is only one rowset, and ROWNUM
goes from 1 to n in an increasing sequence.
If Krokodilko's answer were correct, then ROWNUM
would restart at 1 at each step. This is clearly not the case: let's try it on a "standard" hierarchical query.
select empno, ename, mgr, level, rownum
from scott.emp
start with mgr is null
connect by prior empno = mgr
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
7839 KING 1 1
7566 JONES 7839 2 2
7788 SCOTT 7566 3 3
7876 ADAMS 7788 4 4
7902 FORD 7566 3 5
7369 SMITH 7902 4 6
7698 BLAKE 7839 2 7
7499 ALLEN 7698 3 8
7521 WARD 7698 3 9
7654 MARTIN 7698 3 10
7844 TURNER 7698 3 11
7900 JAMES 7698 3 12
7782 CLARK 7839 2 13
7934 MILLER 7782 3 14