Delphi 10.2.3 MacOS Mojave (which I'm regretting)
I had Xcode 10 and it didn't work with Delphi. I removed Xcode 10 and I installed Xcode 9.4.1 and its command tools.
The PAServer continues to give this message on startup:
Acquiring permission to support debugging...failed
Delphi hangs during the "Launching:" phase of deploying an iOS app.
Everything worked fine before I upgraded to Mohave and tried Xcode 10.
What's a guy got to do to get Delphi 10.2.3 to debug iOS apps with Xcode 9 on Mojave?
Here's what fixed it. I deployed a blank iOS app from Xcode. Then Delphi started deploying normally again, including stepping into the debugger.
I have no idea what magic Xcode did to clear the logjam.