I'm building an app that record the user's voice and then converts it to text. From this post Stackoverflow Post I've found the source code android developers, I've run the code but the button text reads "RECOGNIZER NOT PRESENT". I think I must be missing some permissions or something becouse earlier I created a Text to Speech converter and it was working fine.
Any ideas what might be the problem?
I am not sure why the recognizer functionality is not available on all devices. Make sure you install and update the latest Google Voice Search for Android. I believe it installs the latest recognizer. See http://www.google.com/mobile/voice-actions/ it may be helpful.
As Dante Jiang said in Converting speech to text, According to this article, Google Voice Search is what you actually need.
The Android SDK makes it easy to integrate speech input directly into your own application—just copy and paste from this sample application to get started. Android is an open platform, so your application can potentially make use of any speech recognition service on the device that's registered to receive a RecognizerIntent. Google's Voice Search application, which is pre-installed on many Android devices, responds to a RecognizerIntent by displaying the "Speak now" dialog and streaming audio to Google's servers—the same servers used when a user taps the microphone button on the search widget or the voice-enabled keyboard. (You can check if Voice Search is installed in Settings ➝ Applications ➝ Manage applications.)