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How Content Controls are indexed in repeating Section Content Control?

I have document with two paragraph: in the first one one Plain text CC and in the second one repeating section CC with one Plain Text CC inside.

I am trying to move all the info from CC's in repeating section to appear in first paragraph CC. So far I have come to this code:

 Sub first_paragraph()

    Dim x As Integer
    Dim xNames As String
    Dim xEntry As String

    xNames = ""

    With ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("VP_pav")

        For x = 1 To .Count
            With .Item(x)
                If .Tag = "VP_pav" Then
                    xEntry = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("VP_pav").Item(x).Range.Text
                        ' "if" for removing comma before first entry
                         If xNames = "" Then
                            xNames = xEntry + xNames
                            xNames = xEntry + ", " + xNames
                            End If
                    End If
                End With
            Next x
        End With

    ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("pirm_pas").Item(1).Range.Text = xNames

End Sub

Problem that CC generated in repeating section CC (then adding new section) seems to get random item number (I thought that first CC with tag "example" would get item number 1, second CC with the same tag get item number 2 and etc., but it seems it is not the case).

Because newly generated CC gets random item numbers, values in first paragraph CC are out of order.

Is it possible to make newly generated CC to get sequential numbers? How they get item numbers if they are not sequential? Should take some different approach?

I am adding picture to illustrate my situation:

enter image description here

P.S. I'm deletting my recently posted question about correct variables order in this situation since I determined that it is (probably) not the problem.


  • With the code shown, nothing is telling Word to read the content controls in any kind of order. In this case, a better approach would be to loop the content controls in the Repeaing Section content control.

    The following example assumes the RepSec has been assigned to the Title of the repeating section content control:

     Sub first_paragraph()
        Dim xNames As String, xEntry as String
        Dim ccRepSec as Word.ContentControl
        Dim cc as Word.ContentControl
        xNames = ""
        Set ccRepSec = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle("RepSec").Item(1)    
        For Each cc in ccRepSec.Range.ContentControls
             If .Tag = "VP_pav" Then
                  xEntry = cc.Range.Text
                  If xNames = "" Then
                     xNames = xEntry & xNames
                     xNames = xEntry & ", " & xNames
                  End If
             End If
        Next cc
        ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("pirm_pas").Item(1).Range.Text = xNames    
    End Sub