Here's the current code:
REM rename
REN "H:\DIRECTORY with Space\folder1\*.*" "H:\DIRECTORY with Space\Folder1\TEST_*.*"
DIR nofile || (PAUSE && EXIT /B 1)
I have also tried with move / y
move /y "H:\DIRECTORY with Space\folder1\*.*" "H:\DIRECTORY with Space\folder1\TEST_*.*"
Both wont work (syntax error or directory not found). Basically trying to rename everything within a sub-folder with a prefix ("Test_") and overwrite any duplicates.
Give this a try. I have commented the code to help better explain how it works.
:: Changes to a directory and saves previous directory to go back to
PUSHD "H:\DIRECTORY with Space\folder1\"
:: Critical that you USE this instead of a normal FOR command.
:: A normal FOR command may attempt to rename a file twice.
FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('DIR /a-d /b *.*') do rename "%%~G" "TEST_%%~G"
:: Goes back to the previous directory.