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How to solve, in an elegant way and using JavaScript, the UTC problem, which subtracts a day when instantiating a Date in the format '2018-10-25'?

I'm working on legacy system and in DB the birthday is coming this way '1992-05-18' in json. I am using AngularJS and when applying the data binding of this variable in an input type = "date", of an update form, it is necessary to instantiate a Date object. Like this:

//person.byrthday = '1992-04-26'
var person.birthday = new Date (person.birthday); 
// after person.byrthday = '1992-04-25T00:00:00.000Z'

How can I solve this problem through Front End in an elegant way, without "breaking" two way data binding?

I find myself in Brasil UTC -03:00


  • There are a few ways to solve this problem. A quick and dirty solution could be to leverage moment.js. You can convert the response from the API to a true date format this way.

    If you don't want to use an additionally library, you can make a function to parse the date string. You can do the following to parse is to become a correct date:

    var dateSplit = person.birthday.split('-');
    var mydate = new Date(dateSplit[0], dateSplit[1] - 1, dateSplit[2]); 
    person.birthday= mydate;

    Take note that the month index starts at 0 (aka January=0). Hopefully this helps.