Complete beginner here making my first program with PyAutoGui as I cannot get access to the software's API. My issues are currently being that I am unable to come up with a solution to name each subclip with a different appended letter on the end. The naming convention should go like so, MI899001~AA
, MI899001~AB
, MI899001~AC
, MI899001~AD
. The only thing that changes is the last letter.
Below is the relevant code I'm currently using for the program I am writing;
def naming_promo():
x = string.ascii_uppercase
pyautogui.typewrite('DNH~P336007A' + x[0][0])
for i in range(7):
if i == 0:
if i >= 1:
pyautogui.typewrite('567890qwe', 0.2)
naming_promo() # See above Fn for method
pyautogui.moveTo(646, 404, duration=0.50)
The naming_promo() takes the ascii_uppercase and types the first letter. I however can't figure out how to iterate through each character in the string as the For Loop repeats. I've googled many solutions, but I guess I can't get my head around how to do a loop in a loop and increment the x value used each time.
This is my first post so apologies for any etiquette I break. Any help and explanation would be greatly appreciated.
This is my first answer so apologies for any etiquette I break. I'm not sure I understand everything here, since there's a few functions in the code that I don't know about. However, are you just looking for something like:
def naming_promo(n):
x = string.ascii_uppercase
pyautogui.typewrite('DNH~P336007A' + x[0][n])
and further down in your code, simply create a variable and increment it up one after use:
m = 0
for i in range(7):
if i == 0:
if i >= 1:
pyautogui.typewrite('567890qwe', 0.2)
naming_promo(m) # See above Fn for method
m += 1
pyautogui.moveTo(646, 404, duration=0.50)