Is there any difference between using url-namespaces or urn-namespaces in a wpf control library? Currently we use both:
[assembly: XmlnsDefinition("", "Sample.Controls")]
[assembly: XmlnsDefinition("urn:simplic", "Sample.Controls")]
Are there some pro and contra points which prefers one of the two solutions? The main pro for using urns in my option is the noticeable name.
EDIT: This equestion is not about the difference between URN and URL! It's about the usage in WPF and XmlnsDefinition
Whether to use a URN or a URL for an XML schema is predominately a personal preference, i.e. there is no right or wrong.
Microsoft use URLs in WPF, both when it comes to the actual XAML and code as well as the documentation so this is what I would prefer myself.