I'd like to generate documentation via reST, but don't want to write the reST source manually, but let a python script do that and then produce other formats (HTML, PDF) with sphinx.
Imagine I have a telephone book in binary format. Now I use a python script to parse this and generate a document with all the names and numbers:
phone_book = PhonebookParser("somefile.bin")
restdoc = restProducer.NewDocument()
for entry in phone_book:
restdoc.add_section( title = entry.name, body = entry.number )
Then I would go on to invoke sphinx for generating pdf and html:
> sphinx phonebook.rst -o phonebook.pdf
> sphinx phonebook.rst -o phonebook.html
Is there a python module (aka restProducer in the example above) that offers an API for generating reST? Or is the best way to just dump reST markup via a couple of print statements?
See Automatically Generating Documentation for All Python Package Contents.
The upcoming Sphinx 1.1 release includes a sphinx-apidoc.py script.
Now that you have explained the problem a bit more, I'd say: go for the "dump reST markup via a couple of print statements" option. You seem to be thinking along those lines already. Why not try to implement a minimalistic restProducer