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IOS Swift Kingfisher Resize processor result blurry image

I'm developing an app using Kingfisher library to load image from ulr and display in CollectionViewCell. I'm trying to resize the image to fit the Contentview of CollectionViewCell.

I have tried ResizeProcessor and ScaleFactor from the library but the result image seem blur. My implementation is below (function is call in CellForRowAtIndexPath)

let url = photo.flickrImageURL("m")
        let size = contentView.frame.size
        print("size is \(size.debugDescription)")
        let resizeProcessor = ResizingImageProcessor(referenceSize: size, mode: .aspectFit)
        self.flickrPhoto.kf.setImage(with: url, options: [.backgroundDecode,.processor(resizeProcessor), .scaleFactor(UIScreen.main.scale),.cacheOriginalImage])

Is there anything that I did wrong? The quality of images seem very blur.


  • You should set referenceSize to size of imageView instead of contentView. As size of your contentView will be bigger than your imageView

    Change your code with below code:

    let size = self.flickrPhoto.frame.size


    Just found that ResizingImageProcessor works on pixel instead of points so you need to multiply scale into image size like below:

    let resizingProcessor = ResizingImageProcessor(referenceSize: CGSize(width: self.flickrPhoto.frame.size.width * UIScreen.main.scale, height: self.flickrPhoto.frame.size.height * UIScreen.main.scale))