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Encapsulating RTOS Queue object in an IQueue custom interface having only static allocation

in an embedded component based system, I have a custom interface IQueue that can derive a specific system implementation, for this example, FreeRTOSQueue.

class IQueue { ... virtual void push(...) = 0; ... };
class FreeRTOSQueue : public IQueue { ... };

I would like to use static allocation only, which I can not do with IQueue. Since it is a component based system, I do not want to instantiate FreeRTOSQueue directly into a system class.

The ideal usage would be something like the following code, which is kinda similar of the FreeRTOS usage.

class MyApplication {

    IQueue queue;

    void init()
        this->queue = this->kernel->createQueue(...);

I could instantiate the queues as globals and inject into the classes along with kernel instance and other components, but it is not very good because the queue is not a system element, it is an element of that module only.

I would like to hear architecture suggestions on the best approach to make it clean and simple. Please keep in mind it is an embedded system.

obs.: if you think it is not possible, since at some point I need to have some memory allocated for the specific queue class, feel free to point that.

Thank you,



  • I have found a suitable solution for me, I hope it helps anyone who needs something similar.

    First, I declared an interface IQueue and forward declared a type Queue

    class IQueue { ... virtual void push(...) = 0; ... };
    class Queue;

    then, when I declared my IKernel interface, the createQueue method returned by value the Queue object

    class IKernel { ... virtual Queue createQueue(...) = 0; ... };

    for the implementation, I declared a FreeRTOSQueue and the Queue class inheriting from it:

    class FreeRTOSQueue : public IQueue { ... xQueueHandle handle; ... };
    class Queue : public FreeRTOSQueue {};

    the FreeRTOSQueue will contain the xQueueHandle, the same could be extended to semaphores. The kernel createQueue implementation would be:

    class FreeRTOSKernel : public IKernel {
        Queue createQueue(...)
            Queue q;
            q.handle = xQueueCreate(...);
            return q;

    and, the usage:

    class MyApplication {
        Queue queue;
        void init()
            this->queue = this->kernel->createQueue(...);

    I am still thinking about moving the createQueue as an "init" method on the IQueue class, it think it would be cleaner.