I am using the double-binding of the clrDate, which allows me to load a Javascript Date object. However, I need to trigger an event every time the user changes the date, either types in a new one or uses the calendar.
I've tried (click), (change), (ngModelChange), (blur) - but for some reason none of them seem to trigger.
<label for="modelDate" class="clr-control-label" >Model Date:</label>
<input clrDate type="date" [(clrDate)]="selectedModelDate" (ngModelChange)="loadModel(false)" >
How should I capture the change within the Date Picker?
You can do it in two ways.
In this stackblitz, notice that before the date picker is interaced with, if you click the button then the value of date1
is undefined. After you select a date and click the button it has the value set in the date picker. This is typical 2-way binding in Angular.
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="logDate1()">
Log Date Value for 2-way binding
<label for="date1" class="clr-control-label" > Date1:</label>
<input type="date" [(clrDate)]="date1" />
This might be what you are after. It's almost the same as the above example but we seperate or de-sugarize the 2-way binding so that it gets set with [clrDate]=date2
. Notice that it fires an event clrDateChange
that can be tied into with the logChnage($event)
. That will get fired whenever the internal value of the date picker changes (e.g user selects a date) and you can do whatever you want with it's value in the logChange
function. This is 2-way binding de-sugarized
<h4>De-sugarized syntax</h4>
<label for="date2" class="clr-control-label" > Date1:</label>
<input type="date" [clrDate]="date2" (clrDateChange)="logChange($event)"/>