I am trying to hit an http service from my coroutine. I might have to hit the service a million times. I prefer to do it in parallel as those are independent of each other, at the same time I don't want to DOS that service. I want to throttle my coroutine (some kind of back pressure)
I know I can batch the requests to acceptable concurrent number of requests. But, that's too boilerplate I think. Is there any http library out there handles this in an idiomatic way
Option 1:
with retrofit
can limit number of requests:
Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
You can see the example here: OkHttpClient limit number of connections?
There is an adapter for coroutines: https://github.com/JakeWharton/retrofit2-kotlin-coroutines-adapter
So both together will give you what you need.
Option 2:
Use Retrofit with AsyncHttpClient
which also has an adapter: https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client/tree/master/extras/retrofit2
Then limit the resources like this:
AsyncHttpClient http = asyncHttpClient(config()
That example is from the wiki: https://github.com/AsyncHttpClient/async-http-client/wiki/Connection-pooling
Option 3:
Use one of the above clients (or any other one) without retrofit. Then wrap the callback yourself or find a lib that already did that (exists for many callback types): https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlin-coroutines/blob/master/kotlin-coroutines-informal.md#wrapping-callbacks