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Problem with the interpretation of "Now" as @Sys.Time in Dialogflow

Currently i am creating a chatbot for skype using Dialogflow the main problem is when i use the command "Now" in a skype message it uses my current time +1 hour, but when i ask for the time "Now" from the IOS Application it use the current correct TimeZone, someone knows from "where" exactly dialogflow takes the current time zone for the word "Now" because from my app-IOS because from the IOS_Application it gets one value (Correct timezone value) and from skype it gets a another(timezone + 1 hour value)

Raw Interaction Log(Dialogflow - Skype):

  "queryText": "what time is now?",
  "parameters": {
    "time": "StiDate [Thu Oct 18 12:38:16 CDT 2018]"
  "fulfillmentText": "the time is 12:38:16",
  "fulfillmentMessages": [
      "text": {
        "text": [
          "[{\"type\":0,\"speech\":\"the time is 12:38:16\"}]"
  "intent": {
    "id": "37524c80-a15a-4c04-aa9b-38986ff38993",
    "displayName": "A_Test_EventTime"
  "languageCode": "en",
  "sentimentAnalysisResult": {},
  "id": "93ce9408-4b73-4f18-9ae0-b947a906afc8",
  "sessionId": "6b69769b-1ce7-4359-9018-c88d017485bf",
  "timestamp": "2018-10-18T17:38:16.164Z",
  "source": "agent"

Raw Interaction Log(Dialogflow - AppIOS):

  "queryText": "What time is now?",
  "parameters": {
    "time": "StiDate [Thu Oct 18 11:38:00 CST 2018]"
  "fulfillmentText": "the time is 11:38:00",
  "fulfillmentMessages": [
      "text": {
        "text": [
          "[{\"type\":0,\"speech\":\"the time is 11:38:00\"}]"
  "outputContexts": [
      "name": "fa75fc39-7c68-47ac-bea5-12394f425855",
      "lifespanCount": 4,
      "parameters": {
        "time.original": "now?",
        "time": "StiDate [Thu Oct 18 11:38:00 CST 2018]"
  "intent": {
    "id": "37524c80-a15a-4c04-aa9b-38986ff38993",
    "displayName": "A_Test_EventTime"
  "languageCode": "en",
  "sentimentAnalysisResult": {},
  "id": "58ade82b-c842-44b6-b0a2-d6cced4d6648",
  "sessionId": "dfe0efda53d11aa3d8d43e92a726f9e4",
  "timestamp": "2018-10-18T17:38:00.695Z",
  "source": "agent"


  • Dialogflow agents have a default time zone. You can change this time zone in your Dialogflow's agents settings in the console: