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IntelliJ live template. Remove or replace number at the beginning of filename

I have database migration files with timestamp at the beginning of the filename. For example: 1537865596694-create-config-table.migration.ts

There is expression you can use to convert filename to Typescript class name: capitalize(camelCase(fileNameWithoutExtension()))

But I can't find an option to remove or replace number.


  • You can try groovyScript("groovy code") (see, Like:

    groovyScript("def res=''; def fname=_editor.getVirtualFile().getNameWithoutExtension(); def index=fname.indexOf('-'); if
    (index!=-1) res=fname.substring(index+1, fname.indexOf('.')).replaceAll('(-)([A-Za-z0-9])', { Object[] it -> it[2].toUpperCase() } ) else res=fname; return res")