I am using react-spring to try and animate in AJAX content as it is loaded.
I have a container component that I sometimes want to animate to 'auto' from 0 and sometimes I want to animate to 100% depending on a prop that is passed in.
I have a const that I set that is then passed into a calculatedHeight property in the Transition component. I then use this to set the height property in the mounted child component's style property.
const Container = ({ data, children, stretchHeight }) => {
const loaded = data.loadStatus === 'LOADED';
const loading = data.loadStatus === 'LOADING';
const animationHeight = stretchHeight ? '100%' : 'auto';
return (
'data-container': true,
'is-loading': loading,
'is-loaded': loaded,
'stretch-height': stretchHeight
{loading &&
<div style={styles} className='data-container__spinner-wrapper'>
<LoadingSpinner />
from={{ opacity: 0, calculatedHeight: 0 }}
enter={{ opacity: 1, calculatedHeight: animationHeight }}
leave={{ opacity: 0, calculatedHeight: 0 }}
{loaded && (styles => {
return (
<div style={{ opacity: styles.opacity, height: styles.calculatedHeight }}>
The problem is that this causes a max callstack exceeded error as I don't think react-spring can understand the '100%' string value, only 'auto'.
Is there a work around for this?
The problem is that you switch types, you go from 0 to auto to 0%. It can interpolate auto, but that gets interpolated as a number, you're going to confuse it by mixing that number with a percentage.
PS. Maybe you can trick a little using css: https://codesandbox.io/embed/xolnko178q