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Lappy with while function

I have a list of datasets, I need to change the variable names. Some characters (i.e. ".") are repeated. I want to get rid of them neatly combining a while loop and an aptly created function.

Both the function I wrote and the last line of code do not work. Any help welcome!

Minimal working example:

x <- data.frame("WRONG...." = "", "NOT.SO.WRONG." = "", "NOT.WRONG" = "")
myfiles <- list(x)

nopoints <- function(x){
  while (any(grepl('\\.\\.', names(x)))){
    setNames(x, sub('\\.\\.', '\\.', names(x)))}

myfiles2 <- lapply(myfiles, nopoints)

myfile2 <- lapply(myfiles2, function(x) setNames(x, sub('\\.$', '', names(x))))

Desired result:

myfiles2 <- data.frame("WRONG" = "", "NOT.SO.WRONG" = "", "NOT.WRONG" = "")


  • Ok. The function was missing a key element

    nopoints <- function(x)
      while (any(grepl('\\.\\.', names(x))))
        x <- setNames(x, sub('\\.\\.', '\\.', names(x)))

    The second lapply call actually work as well on the example, it did not on my real list because of order of execution.