I have a use case for transfering files to sftp under certain subdirs that are created dynamically. I got this working using custom SftpMessageHandler method and a Gateway. But the issue with this approach was, it was not deleting local temp files after successful upload. To solve that, now I am using IntegrationFlow along with expression Advice (as below), this does remove local files, but I don't know how to create remote subDirs dynamically. I read about remote directory expression, but not sure how to use/implement it.
Any one resolved this issue? Any help is appreciated!
public IntegrationFlow sftpOutboundFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("toSftpChannel")
.remoteDirectory("/temp"), c -> c.advice(expressionAdvice(c)))
public Advice expressionAdvice(GenericEndpointSpec<FileTransferringMessageHandler<ChannelSftp.LsEntry>> c) {
ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice advice = new ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice();
advice.setOnFailureExpressionString("payload + ' failed to upload'");
return advice;
public interface UploadGateway {
@Gateway(requestChannel = "toSftpChannel")
void upload(File file);
The Sftp.outboundAdapter()
has these options for the remote directory:
* Specify a remote directory path.
* @param remoteDirectory the remote directory path.
* @return the current Spec
public S remoteDirectory(String remoteDirectory) {
* Specify a remote directory path SpEL expression.
* @param remoteDirectoryExpression the remote directory expression
* @return the current Spec
public S remoteDirectoryExpression(String remoteDirectoryExpression) {
* Specify a remote directory path {@link Function}.
* @param remoteDirectoryFunction the remote directory {@link Function}
* @param <P> the expected payload type.
* @return the current Spec
public <P> S remoteDirectory(Function<Message<P>, String> remoteDirectoryFunction) {
So, if the story is about a dynamic sub-directory, you can choose a remoteDirectoryExpression
or remoteDirectory(Function)
and calculate a target path against message or some bean in the application context.
For example:
.remoteDirectoryExpression("'rootDir/' + headers.subDir")
Also bear in mind that for not existing directories you need to configure an .autoCreateDirectory(true)
, too.