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How to read the value to text box from app config

I have added key values in appconfig of

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Key0" value="0" />
<add key="Key1" value="1" />
<add key="Key2" value="2" />

I would like to loop through all the keyvalues in app config and read the value to textbox1,textbox2 and textbox3.

I have done some work on it but failed to achieve it below is what i tried.

If form1.combobox1.selecteditem = 0 then
Dim appsettings = configurationmanager.appsettings
dim result as string
for each result in appsetting
if result = appsettings("Key1") then
textbox1.text = result
if result = appsettings("key2") then
textbox2.text = result
end if

The above throwed error in if condition, could you please help me to get the solution to read the values to textbox from Appconfig file in platform.


  • I am not sure what you mean by If form1.combobox1.selecteditem = 0 then If there is a 0 in the box then If ComboBox1.SelectedText = "0" Then should work. The items in a combobox are objects. If you mean there are no selected items then If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 You were missing an End If so I added it where I thought it might belong

    If ComboBox1.SelectedText = "0" Then
                Dim appsettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
                Dim result As String
                For Each result In appsettings
                    If result = appsettings("Key1") Then
                        TextBox1.Text = result
                    ElseIf result = appsettings("key2") Then
                        TextBox2.Text = result
                    End If
    End If

    If you can download Visual Studio Community 2017 (it's free) and set Option Strict on, it will be a big help to you coding. Code is not tested against app.config.