I am having a problem here where my ngFor does not show any data, although there is no stack error or something.
I want to know how to display my array of objects -called "cldbAccounts"- which has to objects and display two properties of them in that same column.
my code for that part
<ngx-datatable-column *ngIf="mode === 'contract' || mode === 'factorer'" name="CldbAccount" prob="cldbAccount">
<ng-template let-column="column" height="200" let-onSort="sortFn" ngx-datatable-header-template>
<span class="datatable-header-cell-wrapper">
<span class="datatable-header-cell-label draggable" (click)="onSort()">CldbAccount</span>
<ng-template ngFor let-cldbAccount [ngForOf]="cldbAccounts">
{{ cldbAccount.cldbAccount.cldbAccount }} [{{ cldbAccount.debitor.name }}]
I tried also that solutions from this answer see here but the same problem exists
i found the problem was just a typo in my code wher prob="cldbAccount"
should be prop="cldbAccount"