I need to perform Source In composition on 2 images.
For example this image:
and a mask image (tested with black-transparent and black-white):
I am trying to do this with ImageSharp:
img.Mutate(imgMaskIn =>
using (var mask = Image.Load(maskImageFileName))
imgMaskIn.DrawImage(mask, new GraphicsOptions { AlphaCompositionMode = PixelAlphaCompositionMode.SrcIn});
but result is mask image. It should work based on this merge request.
Did I wrongly used library, or there is a bug?
Is there any other way to do this in ASP.NET Core?
Unfortunately, the syntax to do this is with ImageSharp is changing between the current preview version and the development version which should be the final API for this.
With 1.0.0-beta0005, you can blend these images like this:
using (var pattern = Image.Load("img_pattern.png"))
using (var texture = Image.Load("img_texture.png"))
var options = new GraphicsOptions { BlenderMode = PixelBlenderMode.In };
using (var result = pattern.Clone(x => x.DrawImage(options, texture)))
Note that you have to use a pattern image with alpha transparency for this. You cannot use a keyed transparency (at least not with this solution).
I’ve made the pattern transparent for that purpose (you can get the one I used here) and got this result:
In the final release, it will look like this:
using (var pattern = Image.Load("img_pattern.png"))
using (var texture = Image.Load("img_texture.png"))
var options = new GraphicsOptions { AlphaCompositionMode = PixelAlphaCompositionMode.SrcIn };
using (var result = pattern.Clone(x => x.DrawImage(texture, options)))
A good way to figure that out btw. is to look at the PorterDuffCompositorTests
file which contains the tests for this feature and as such will always reflect the current API.