I want to store this object into postgresql by nodejs and pg-promise library :
This is my method:
'line': linesGeoJson,
'date': user[i].date_created,
'user_id': user[i].uid,
'device_id': user[i].devid,
so in order i have created ColumnSet:
const getPoint = col => {
const p = col.source.line
return p ? pgp.as.format('ST_GeomFromText($1)', p) : 'NULL';
const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([
name: 'id',
mod: ':raw',
init: generate_id
name: 'created_date',
prop: 'date'
name: 'st_astext',
mod: ':raw',
init: getPoint
], {
table: 'scheduled_locations'
This is method that sore my user object into database:
async function saveLineIntoDb(user) {
logger.debug(`saveIntoDatabase method started`);
try {
db.result(await pgp.helpers.insert(user, cs))
.then(data => {
logger.debug(`saveIntoDatabase method ended`);
} catch (error) {
logger.error('saveIntoDatabase Error:', error);
But unfortunately it just store one of LINESTRING
inside line
user object attribute . line attribute is a list as you can see at above image.
I think in this way pg-promise can not iterate inner list inside object and I have to insert separately.
Your usage of await/async is wrong. Change it to this:
async function saveLineIntoDb(user) {
logger.debug('saveIntoDatabase method started');
try {
await db.result(pgp.helpers.insert(user, cs));
logger.debug('saveIntoDatabase method ended');
} catch (error) {
logger.error('saveIntoDatabase Error:', error);
But unfortunately it just store one of LINESTRING inside line user object attribute . line attribute is a list as you can see at above image. I think in this way pg-promise can not iterate inner list inside object and I have to insert separately.
So you use method init
for the column, and format it correctly.