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How to move the session state from InProc to SQLServer

I am currently using InProc session state mode in my .net web project. I want move that from InProc to SQLServer session state as I am going to use a load balancer. What are the steps that I need to follow?

In my C# code, I use as sessions as below.

    Session["MyValue"] = "Test" // To set
    string value = Session["MyValue"] //To read

So what are the changes that I need to do in source code? Can't I use the same code above when using SQLServer session state?


  • Follow this documentation.

    You need to do install the Session State Database Using the Aspnet_regsql.exe Tool and do modifications in your web.config.

            <sessionState mode="SQLServer"
                 sqlConnectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;data 
                 source=SampleSqlServer;" />