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Finding Occurance of Max Value in Array

I am trying to find the Occurrences of a Maximum value in Integer Array.


int[] ar = [3, 1, 2, 3];

Here, the Max 3 is repeated twice and so the expected output is 2.

This works, I am getting count as 2 as the max value 3 occurred twice in the array

var max = int.MinValue;
var occurrenceCount = 0;

foreach(var x in ar)
    if (x >= max) max = x;

foreach(var x in ar)
    if (x == max) occurrenceCount++;

Output: 2 //occurrenceCount

With Linq it's more simple,

var occurrenceCount = ar.Count(x => x == ar.Max())

Output: 2 //occurrenceCount

Now without Linq, Is there any simplified or efficient way to do this?


  • At least, you can merge the two first arrays. I would still use the Linq solution. It is clearer. If you really want to talk about performance read Which is faster? first.

    So here is a O(n) solution:

    int[] ar = {3, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4};
    int max = ar[0];
    var occurrenceCount = 1;
    for(var i = 1; i < ar.Length; i++)
        if (ar[i] > max) {
    	max = ar[i];
    	occurrenceCount = 1;
        else if (ar[i] == max) {

    Try it online!

    • Note that you should handle the case where you array is empty.