I created a schema as admin in my old iccube install. I would like to restore this schema in my new version of iccube installed on an other server.
Which folder need I to copy in order to restore this schema in my new version?
By the way, I forgot my admin password on the old install. Can I change my password in some config files?
Thanks for the help.
When using the default authentication system user/passwords are saved into a local file, icCubeUsers.icc-users, located in the {iccube-install}/security/users directory.
Easy solution, copy the file from the old to the new.
Complicated one :
The file contains lines like this one :
<user uuid="527aa50e-8704-4b1d-9ade-ed11131ac7b3" name="demo" password="" hash="eh4tWYDK0zOn10dXInW3Rk68KbowXfxf1r5btmnK+4c=$0pnhp/LC4+5MXkEqVEP5Pcwzf1NpZPOuTq00VdJZG6w=">
There should be no way to reverse the password but you can copy & paste from a known one.
the password for this hash
is iccube
Restart icCube login and feel free to change the password