Below is my sample data: (Parent JSON having floor information and every floor having multiple sensor information)
{"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"name": "Forklifts",
"Sensor_data": [{
"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"Floor_name": "Forklifts",
"Name": "forkLift_002",
"Asset_Id": 123,
"Load": 1.7096133,
"Timestamp": 1537878750996
"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"Floor_name": "Forklifts",
"Name": "forkLift_003",
"Asset_Id": 456,
"Load": 1.7096133,
"Timestamp": 1537878750996,
"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"Floor_name": "Forklifts",
"Name": "forkLift_005 ",
"Asset_Id": 127,
"Load": 1.7096133,
"Timestamp": 1537878750996
"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"Floor_name": "Forklifts",
"Name": "forkLift_001",
"Asset_Id": 157,
"Load": 1.7096133,
"Timestamp": 1537878750996,
I want to calculate total load, total distance and active sensors for a floor. And the similar information (total load and total distance for every floor) on a per day basis. The desired response is like this:
"TotalLoad": 3214,
"Floor_Id": "Galileo_001",
"LoadUnit": "Kgs",
"AssetStatus": [{
"TotalLoad": 200,
"LoadUnit": "Kgs",
"Date": "1539588994"
}, {
"TotalLoad": 400,
"LoadUnit": "Kgs",
"Date": "1539475200"
}, {
"TotalLoad": 100,
"LoadUnit": "Kgs",
"Date": "1539388800"
In NiFi, I am having two separate run mongo aggregation processors.
For this 2nd condition, I'm using the below query:
[{"$unwind" : "$Sensor_data" },
{"$match": {"Floor_Id" : {"$eq": "${http.param.floorid}"}}},
{"$group": {
"_id": {"Floor_Id": "$Floor_Id",
"year":{"$year":{"$add": [ISODate("1970-01-01"), "$Sensor_data.Timestamp"]}},
"month":{"$month":{"$add": [ISODate("1970-01-01"), "$Sensor_data.Timestamp"]}},
"day":{"$dayOfMonth":{"$add": [ISODate("1970-01-01"), "$Sensor_data.Timestamp"]}}
"AssetLoad": {"$sum": "$Sensor_data.Load" },
"AssetDistance": {"$sum" : {"$subtract": [{"$toDecimal":"$Sensor_data.End_odometer"},
"$group" : {
"_id": {"Floor_Id": "$_id.Floor_Id"},
"TotalLoad": { "$sum": "$AssetLoad" },
"TotalDistance" : { "$sum": "$AssetDistance" },
"TotalLoad": "$AssetLoad",
"LoadUnit": "Kgs",
"TotalDistance" : "$AssetDistance",
"Date": "$_id.DailyDate"
{"$project" : {
"AssetStatus" : 1
The processor shows 'Error running mongodb aggregation query: Unrecognized Token ISODate: was expecting null, true, false or NaN'
How can I resolve this issue? (I do not want to update the format of date from BSON Long to ISODate in the collection)
Replaced ISODate with $convert operator in Run Mongo Aggregation processor