Using BluePrism, how to right click on a web application and select an option using Key or Click events in Region Mode
or Accessibility Mode
It doesn't spy any of the menu items with an error saying :
Unable to spy the element
I had the same problem and fixed it with the following:
Because the window that shows up is a System window, it means it's no longer part of the IE Application Modeller, as it's using a different thread and a different ID.
So you'll need to create a different object specifically for this operation. I created one with
Object Name: IE - Popup Message
Window Title: Message from webpage
Windows Process iexplore
When attaching to it use index of 0, and then you can easily use UI Automation or Acessibility to identify the button you want to press.
But yes, you'll need to use a different object, I'd suggest making this one and every time there's a system popup for IE to identify the different buttons and use this object as a common interface between them.