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Divide subset of multiindex Dataframe by a value from dictionary

I have multiindex DataFrame and a dictionary. I need to divide all numerical values in the DF by the number from the dictionary when the dictionary key corestponding with the 0 level index. Here is my code -- all I get is NaN values. Thanks for help.

import pandas as pd

data = {
    "ix0" : ["a", "a", "b", "b"], 
    "ix1" : ["a", "b", "a", "b"], 
    "col1" : [0, 1, 2, 3],
    "col2" : [3, 2, 1, 0]

dict = {
    "a" : 10,
    "b" : 100 

df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index(["ix0", "ix1"])

print(df, "\n")

for letter in dict.keys():
    df.loc[letter] = df.loc[letter].divide(dict[letter])



         col1  col2
ix0 ix1            
a   a       0     3
    b       1     2
b   a       2     1
    b       3     0 

         col1  col2
ix0 ix1            
a   a     NaN   NaN
    b     NaN   NaN
b   a     NaN   NaN
    b     NaN   NaN


  • Dont use variable name dict, because python code word.

    Loop by dictionary by .items() and for select in MultiIndex use slicers:

    d = {
        "a" : 10,
        "b" : 100 
    idx = pd.IndexSlice
    for k, v in d.items():
        df.loc[idx[k, :], :] /=  v
        #same like
        #df.loc[idx[k, :], :] =  df.loc[idx[k, :], :] / v
             col1  col2
    ix0 ix1            
    a   a    0.00  0.30
        b    0.10  0.20
    b   a    0.02  0.01
        b    0.03  0.00