I have an existing word document in the below format.
1. Test Case Specification Identifier
[test case number] 55-01-01
[title] Login with default
[revision history]
2. Test Items
3. Execution
[step 1] ;# Non-executable description
[step 1.1] ;# Executable Step Level 2 or more
I want to open this word document and update the [objective] and [step] with the below value using python.
objective = "This is objective"
Steps = {"step1":["step1.1","step1.2"],"step2":["step2.1"]}
After including the above data, the output document has look like below.
1. Test Case Specification Identifier
[test case number] 55-01-01
[title] Login with default
[revision history]
2. Test Items
This is objective
3. Execution
[step 1] Step 1
[step 1.1] Step 1.1
[step 1.2] Step 1.2
[step 2] Step 2
[step 2.1] Step 2.1
Could you please help?
Try this:
from docx import Document
import re
document = Document(docx='existing.docx')
objective = "This is objective"
steps = ["step 1", "step 1.1", "step 1.2", "step 2", "step 2.1"]
# read current document contents
for paragraph in document.paragraphs:
if '[objective]' in paragraph.text:
paragraph.text += objective
for step in steps:
indent = 1
if re.search(r"{}\]".format(step), paragraph.text):
print step, paragraph.text
if '.' in step:
indent += 1
paragraph.text = '{}[{}]\t{}'.format('\t'*indent, step, step.title())
# add remaining steps not in existing document
for step in steps:
indent = 1
if '.' in step:
indent += 1
document.add_paragraph('{}[{}]\t{}'.format('\t'*indent, step, step.title()))