I am trying to learn list-comprehensions, and for that I am trying to print the fourth letter for each city in the following list:
word_list = ["Amsterdam", "Hannover", "Milano", "Paris", "London", "Glasgow", "Dublin", "Tokyo", "Canberra"]
I think I need a double for loop here, one to access the cities in the list, and one to access the letters of each city. However, when I try to put this inside a list comprehension like:
listcomprehension = [letter[3] for word in word_list for letter in word]
I get the following error:
IndexError: string index out of range
I tought it could be an error with my list-comprehension (Since I am new to those), so I tried to achieve my goal using a normal double for-loop:
for word in word_list:
for letter in word:
What am I doing wrong here? All cities have more than 4 letters, so I don't understand why this error is happening. I am rather new to programming, and I am still often confused when using double for-loops... Could someone enlighten me?
is already a single letter, letter[3]
doesn't exist because letter
only contains one letter.
You don't need two loops because strings can be indexed.
listcomprehension = [word[3] for word in word_list]
for word in word_list: