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Argument list too long for ls while moving files from one dir to other in bash shell

Below is the command I am using for moving files from dir a to dir b

  ls /<someloc>/a/* | tail -2000 | xargs -I{} mv {} /<someloc>/b/
    -bash: /usr/bin/ls: Argument list too long

folder a has files in millions ..

Need your help to fix this please.


  • If the locations of both directories are on the same disk/partition and folder b is originally empty, you can do the following

    $ rmdir /path/to/b
    $ mv /other/path/to/a /path/to/b
    $ mkdir /other/path/to/a

    If folder b is not empty, then you can do something like this:

    find /path/to/a/ -type f -exec mv -t /path/to/b {} +

    If you just want to move 2000 files, you can do

    find /path/to/a/ -type f -print | tail -2000 | xargs mv -t /path/to/b

    But this can be problematic with some filenames. A cleaner way would be is to use -print0 of find, but the problem is that head and tail can't process those, so you have to use awk for this.

    # first 2000 files (mimick head)
    find /path/to/a -type f -print0        \
      | awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}(NR<=2000)' \
      | xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b
    # last 2000 files (mimick tail)
    find /path/to/a -type f -print0        \
      | awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\0"}{a[NR%2000]=$0}END{for(i=1;i<=2000;++i) print a[i]}' \
      | xargs -0 mv -t /path/to/b