I am loading data through HttpClient and publish them as BehaviourSubject:
export interface Car {
make: string;
status: number;
In service I am loading data through API endpoint:
private cars = new BehaviorSubject<Car[]>([]);
constructor( private http: HttpClient) {
loadCars() {
.subscribe((cars) => this.cars.next(cars));
getFilteredCars() {
return this.cars.asObservable()
map( (cars) => cars.filter( car => car.status === 1)
As you can see I want to get all cars that has status equal to 1. When I call this from my component I don't get anything:
cars: Observable<Car[]>;
constructor(private carService: CarService) {
this.cars = carService.getFilteredCars();
I am getting unfiltered data without any problem If I am returning unfiltered BehaviourSubject:
getFilteredCars() {
return this.cars.asObservable();
What am I doing wrong?
I suspect you need to subscribe to the observable being returned from your getFilteredCars() method.
carService.getFilteredCars().subscribe(data=>this.cars = data);