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How to increase no of mapper in the Sqoop job

I am trying to load data from S3 to RDS using Sqoop . I have approx 35 GB gzip files in 70 different file .

Here is my command which i run to do that

sqoop export 
 --connect jdbc:mysql:// 
 --username user 
 --password password 
 --table DnB_WB_UniverseMaster 
 --export-dir s3://pppp-sukesh/FullFiles/ 
 --fields-terminated-by  '|' 
 --num-mappers 500 

dunsnumber is my primary key

The issue is export is very very slow and the no of mapper i can see is only 4 .

What opymization i can do here in order to make load faster .

Also i have EMR cluster with 10 m4.large


  • Try to use only one dash with m argument: -m 20 or --num-mappers 20.