I am trying to introduce URL versioning into my .Net Core WebAPI application. I am also using Swagger web tools for ease of use for users.
Now, while trying to introduce versioning into my application, I referenced the docs here: https://github.com/Microsoft/aspnet-api-versioning/wiki/New-Services-Quick-Start#aspnet-core
Now, I made following code changes into my code:
Startup.cs/ConfigureServices I added code below:
services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
Now, my controller annotations before any kind of versioning was added, looked like below:
and produces a URL which looks like something below:
Now, I added annotations below to enable api versioning:
. [ApiVersion("1.0")]
and now when I click on the same method listed in my swagger UI
the url looks like below:
While what I was expecting was something like:
Also on my swagger it is now asking me explicitly about entering version number. So I think my question boils down to two major points:
Setting up api versioning with swagger is indeed a tricky thing as it is lot's of pieces that need to be setup correctly.
Luckily for us, there's a great nuget packages called SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim which solves this in an excellent way.
Add it
Install-Package SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim -Version 2.2.1
Then follow the readme here