I have a difficulties regarding making a connection to SQL Server using Input Data Tools in Alteryx.
So, i'm using a Azure Active Directory for the credentials login in the Azure SQL Database using Authentication mode : Active Directory - Password. I already tested it out the related user and working just fine.
The problem is, in Alteryx i want to connect to my data in the Azure SQL Database. What the options provided is, you need to insert either Windows or SQL Authentication. As im using an AAD, i cannot access my data.
There are several things that i tried, like using the SQL Authentication and append my ID with the servername, still failed.
I'm thinking of is there any way to connect my AAD credential to SQL authentication? like i'm creating a login ( CREATE LOGIN ) but for the password still related to the AAD user (I create the user using CREATE USER FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER) .
Any Input or information will be extremely helpful.
Thanks, Kevin
No there isn't any way to connect your AAD credential to SQL Authentication
Alteryx need to update their driver to support Active Directory - Password
In the meantime you'll need to use SQL Authentication
You'll need to create a SQL User / password in SQL Azure in the database with this:
CREATE USER UserName WITH PASSWORD = '<password>';
Also remember that you must designate a database when connecting
TBH there is not a lot of difference between the two from the client side. In both cases you still need to designate a user name and password on the client side.
As per Mitch Wheat's comment: Make sure your connection is encrypted so that login/pwd is not passed over the network in clear text
I suggest that you stay in the habit of using AAD authentication where possible and only use the SQL credentials when using Alteryx