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Mount rexray/ceph volume in multiple containers on Docker swarm

What I have done

I have built a Docker Swarm cluster where I am running containers that have persistent data. To allow the container to move to another host in the event of failure I need resilient shared storage across the swarm. After looking into the various options I have implemented the following:

  1. Installed a Ceph Storage Cluster across all nodes of the Swarm and create a RADOS Block Device (RBD).

  2. Installed Rexray on each node and configure it to use the RBD created above.

  3. Deploy a Docker stack that mounts a volume using the rexray driver e.g.

    version: '3'
        image: ubuntu
          - test-volume:/test
        driver: rexray

This solution is working in that I can deploy a stack, simulate a failure on the node that is running then observe the stack restarted on another node with no loss of persistent data.

However, I cannot mount a rexray volume in more than one container. My reason for doing is to use a short lived "backup container" that simply tars the volume to a snapshot backup while the container is still running.

My Question

Can I mount my rexray volumes into a second container?

The second container only needs read access so it can tar the volume to a snapshot backup while keeping the first container running.


  • Unfortunately the answer is no, in this use case rexray volumes cannot be mounted into a second container. Some information below will hopefully assist anyone heading down a similar path:

    1. Rexray does not support multiple mounts:

      Today REX-Ray was designed to actually ensure safety among many hosts that could potentially have access to the same host. This means that it forcefully restricts a single volume to only be available to one host at a time. (

    2. But Rexray does support a feature called pre-emption where:

      ..if a second host does request the volume that he is able to forcefully detach it from the original host first, and then bring it to himself. This would simulate a power-off operation of a host attached to a volume where all bits in memory on original host that have not been flushed down is lost. This would support the Swarm use case with a host that fails, and a container trying to be re-scheduled. (

    3. However, pre-emption is not supported by the Ceph RBD. (