In wysiwyg mode using CKEditor 4, spellcheck is not enabled. Words can be misspelt & ignored by the Editor as below. This is desired behaviour in our case.screenshot of misspelt word being ignored which is the desired behaviour in our scenario
In Source view however, the same word is picked up as misspelt with a red dotted underline which is not desired behaviour in our case. screenshot of same misspelt word being picked up & marked with red dotted line
How do we prevent spellcheck running (assuming this is what's triggering the red dotted underline) when viewing content in Source view & thereby also stop html code being highlighted with dotted red underlines because the spellcheck simply doesn't recognise them?
I tested the following official demo link:
1- Disable the spell checker via the ABC button in the toolbar
2- Disable the browser's native spellchecker
On Chrome: Settings > Advanced Settings > Languages > Spell Check (turn off the active languages)
All errors both in WYSIWYG and Source windows should be gone.
Other possible solutions:
CKEditor4 Configuration:
Submit issues for WebSpellChecker on Github (, as it's the third party responsible for the spell checker:
The Standard and Full CKEditor packages include the integrated spell checking functionality. It is an out-of-the-box solution provided by third-party plugins, WebSpellChecker and SpellCheckAsYouType (SCAYT), that use the web service.
If you do not want any spell checking, then disable these plugins. If the ABC button is no longer there, your problem should be solved.
When either of the plugins is enabled, the button is automatically added to the toolbar. Depending on which plugin you use, it may contain numerous SCAYT options and open the Spell Check dialog window.