I just started using git yesterday, and today I committed a couple files, but then for some reason they disappeared. They show up when I run the command "git log -p -2" in one of the commits I previously did, but I have no idea how to restore them to where they were originally.
If it Is already committed, you could get them back from the commit before the deletion was committed. Assume that commit where they we're deleted Is D
. You can do this:
git restore --worktree --staged --source=D~ -- file1 file2 # keep the pigtail
git commit -m "recovering files file1 AND file2"
You could do a git commit --amend
if deletion happened in the last commit.
Original answer from 2018:
If you committed their deletion and you actually don't want it, you should consider resetting --hard (use with extreme care... many tears have come out of using it). If you actually haven't committed the deletion, you could just check them out of HEAD: git checkout HEAD -- file1.txt file2.txt