To create a SimpleMessageListenerContainer, I do something like this.
SimpleMessageConsumer simpleMessageConsumer = new SimpleMessageConsumer();
MessageListenerAdapter adapter =
new CustomMessageListenerAdapater(simpleMessageConsumer);
adapter.setMessageConverter(new SimpleMessageConverter());
container =
new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
My SimpleMessageConsumer
public void consume(String message){;
I noticed in the spring-amqp-refrence that the "annotated listener endpoint infrastructure" allows you to conveniently pass additional Message properties into your consumer like so :
@RabbitListener(queues = "myQueue")
public void processOrder(Order order, @Header("order_type") String orderType) {
Can that be done using consumer creation approach I mention above? I want to access to some of the headers of the Message object. I know that I can make my consumer implement the MessageListener or the ChannelAwareMessageListener and have access to the entire Message object. However, I dont want the whole Message object, since I like the convenience of using the ContentTypeDelegatingMessageConverter with the Jackson2JsonMessageConverter to do conversion to my desired type(in my real app), before my consumer delegated method is triggered.
You need to use a MessagingMessageConverter
with the payloadConverter
as the mentioned Jackson2JsonMessageConverter
and then in your CustomMessageListenerAdapater
you override there a:
* Build an array of arguments to be passed into the target listener method. Allows for multiple method arguments to
* be built from a single message object.
* <p>
* The default implementation builds an array with the given message object as sole element. This means that the
* extracted message will always be passed into a <i>single</i> method argument, even if it is an array, with the
* target method having a corresponding single argument of the array's type declared.
* <p>
* This can be overridden to treat special message content such as arrays differently, for example passing in each
* element of the message array as distinct method argument.
* @param extractedMessage the content of the message
* @return the array of arguments to be passed into the listener method (each element of the array corresponding to
* a distinct method argument)
protected Object[] buildListenerArguments(Object extractedMessage) {
casting that extractedMessage
to the Message<?>
and extract desired headers if that.