Search code examples

I am trying to analyze below query related to hierarchical and Regex can any one help me in understanding?

I have come across below query, but I am not able to conclude my analysis related to below query. The main aim of the below query is to convert the number to the alphabet. But the usage of the hierarchical query made me confuse.

merge into s_export ex
using (
        listagg(n, '') within group (order by lv) new_val,
            connect_by_root rowid row_id,
            LEVEL lv,
               WHEN Regexp_like(Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL ), '\d+')
                  THEN spell_number(
                                Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 2),
                                Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 3)
               ELSE Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL )
            END N
          FROM s_export d
          CONNECT BY NOCYCLE Regexp_substr( file_as, '([^0-9]+)|(\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?', 1, LEVEL ) IS NOT NULL
                             and rowid = prior rowid
                             and prior dbms_random.value is not null
      group by row_id
                      ) t
on (t.row_id = ex.rowid)
when matched then
 update set ex.file_as = t.new_val;

Sample Dataset:

create table s_export  (file_as varchar2(2000));

insert into s_export  values ('Collection Four') ;
insert into s_export  values ('OM_Forty-One One');
insert into s_export  values ('OM_Twenty-Two | SOFifteen');
insert into s_export  values ('1st');
insert into s_export  values ('3M');
insert into s_export  values ('Collection Six');
insert into s_export  values ('2ND');
insert into s_export  values ('11TH100');

Below is my understanding so far:

  1. We are performing an update on the table s_export column file_as whenever there is any number say 1, it will convert this to 'one'.

  2. As far as LEVEL used in Regexp_substr work as an occurrence.


  • I have analyzed the query mentioned above, Below is my analysis for reference.

    Consider we have sample data in our table s_export, our Aim here is to convert numeric value appeared in a string into the alphabet.

    file_as     ROW_ID
    -------     -------
    123Test123  101

    We can divide the query into 3 parts starting from the innermost

    Step 1: Transform the string into the alphabet.

            connect_by_root rowid row_id,
            LEVEL lv,
               WHEN Regexp_like(Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL ), '\d+')
                  THEN spell_number(
                                Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 2),
                                Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL, NULL, 3)
               ELSE Regexp_substr( file_as, '[^0-9]+|((\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?)', 1, LEVEL )
            END N
          FROM s_export d
          CONNECT BY NOCYCLE Regexp_substr( file_as, '([^0-9]+)|(\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)?', 1, LEVEL ) IS NOT NULL
                             and rowid = prior rowid
                             and prior dbms_random.value is not null

    If there is any string in file_as column say in our case "123Test123", this query will take row_id of the particular row and get the substring from them eg consider row_id of this string as 101 now there will be 3 rows with the same row_id the only difference will be no of the level(No of splits) and every numeric will be converted into the alphabet, using (spell_number)

    Original value : 123Test123

    ROW_ID  LV      N
    ------- ------- -------
    101     1       One Hundred Twenty-Three
    101     2       Test
    101     3       One Hundred Twenty-Three

    2: Grouping the data achieved from the transformation

        listagg(n, '') within group (order by lv) new_val,
      from (
      ---Query from Step 1
      )  group by row_id

    Now with the result acheaved from the above output we will perform "listagg" (like pivot the column to row) and concatinate the values of column "N", acheaved from the inner most query to obtain single string value on the basis of grouping them with respect to row_id,

    NEW_VAL                                                     ROW_ID
    -------                                                     -------
    One Hundred Twenty-Three Test One Hundred Twenty-Three      101

    Step 3: Merge the data into the column of the original table

    merge into s_export ex
    using (
            --Query from Step 2 (Including Step 1)
            )  t
    on (t.row_id = ex.rowid)
    when matched then
     update set ex.file_as = t.new_val;

    Now, we will merge "NEW_VAL", obtained from above query to "file_as" column of s_export, on the basis of row_id.

    Final Transformed result :

    file_as                                                     ROW_ID
    -------                                                     -------
    One Hundred Twenty-Three Test One Hundred Twenty-Three      101