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Scala Cats Validated with Parameterized Validation Result

I am following the example in but with a twist: the type of the elements in the NEL is not a DomainValidation but a DomainValidation[A] and I'm not sure how to do this. Below is my attempt but am having trouble with the types. This is probably just as much a Scala question as it is a Cats validated question.

import cats.implicits._

sealed trait Widget
case object WidgetA extends Widget
case object WidgetB extends Widget

object Widget{
  val values = List(WidgetA, WidgetB)
  def fromString(s: String): Option[Widget] = values.filter(_.toString == s).headOption

case class Order( quantity: Float, widget: Widget )

trait MyValidation[A] {
  def errorMessage: String
  def is: A

type ValidationResult[A,B] = ValidatedNel[MyValidation[A], B]

case class WidgetQuantityIsNegative(is: Float) extends MyValidation[Float] {
  def errorMessage = s"$is widget quantity is negative"

case class WidgetTypeIsInvalid(is: String) extends MyValidation[String] {
  def errorMessage = s"$is is not a valid widget type"

def validateQuantity(q: Float): ValidationResult[Float, Float] =
  if(q >= 0) q.validNel else WidgetQuantityIsNegative(q).invalidNel

Here I would like to validate the string.
If it represents a valid Widget, return the valid Widget
else return the invalid */
def validateWidgetType(s: String) =
  Widget.fromString(s) map {widget => widget.validNel } getOrElse WidgetTypeIsInvalid.invalidNel

def validateOrder( quantity: Float, s: String ): ValidationResult[MyValidation[Any], Order] = // NOT SURE IF ANY IS THE RIGHT TYPE
  ).mapN[Order](Order.apply) // THIS DOES NOT COMPILE


  • I tweaked your code a bit and this compiles:

    import cats.implicits._
    sealed trait Widget
    case object WidgetA extends Widget
    case object WidgetB extends Widget
    object Global {
      object Widget {
        val values = List(WidgetA, WidgetB)
        def fromString(s: String): Option[Widget] = values.find(_.toString == s)
      case class Order(quantity: Float, widget: Widget)
      trait MyValidation[+A] {
        def errorMessage: String
        def is: A
      type ValidationResult[A, B] = ValidatedNel[MyValidation[A], B]
      case class WidgetQuantityIsNegative(is: Float) extends MyValidation[Float] {
        def errorMessage = s"$is widget quantity is negative"
      case class WidgetTypeIsInvalid(is: String) extends MyValidation[String] {
        def errorMessage = s"$is is not a valid widget type"
      def validateQuantity(q: Float): ValidationResult[Float, Float] =
        if (q >= 0) q.validNel else WidgetQuantityIsNegative(q).invalidNel
    Here I would like to validate the string.
    If it represents a valid Widget, return the valid Widget
    else return the invalid string */
      def validateWidgetType(s: String): ValidationResult[String, Widget] =
        Widget.fromString(s) map { widget => widget.validNel } getOrElse WidgetTypeIsInvalid(s).invalidNel
      def validateOrder(quantity: Float, s: String): ValidationResult[Any, Order] = 
        ).mapN[Order](Order(_, _)) // Order.apply without _ works too but would add one more red line in intellij

    Essentially all I did was mark MyValidation is covariant and fixed both validateWidgetType and validateQuantity to return the same type

    NOTE on the covariance:

    when we remove the covariance annotation then the following compiler message appears:

    Error:(50, 18) type mismatch;
     found   :[[cats.Global.MyValidation[_ >: String with Float]],cats.Global.Order]
     required: cats.Global.ValidationResult[Any,cats.Global.Order]
        (which expands to)[[cats.Global.MyValidation[Any]],cats.Global.Order]
    Note:[cats.Global.MyValidation[_ >: String with Float]] <: Any, but class Validated is invariant in type A.
    You may wish to define A as +A instead. (SLS 4.5)

    which more or less says that a concrete type which is both a subtype of Float and String is not exactly an Any but a subtype of Any