Hello and thanks for taking your time to help me,
So I'm new to loopback, I'd like to create a request that retrieves all the data from a data source but only specifics fields. I've read all the tutorials on the loopback guide, but I don't understand how to proceed.
Basically what i have is that :
XXXX.getUserWithXXXX = function(cb) {
cb(null, 'Greetings... ');
XXXX.remoteMethod('getUserWithXXXX', {
description: "Get all users who own a XXXX",
returns: {arg: 'greeting', type: 'string'},
fields: {id: true, email: true},
http: {path: '/getUserWithXXXX', verb: 'get'}
So first, what I want to create a request that will retrieve all the data from my model, so I could filter it And then I don't know how to filter in the code.
If anyone has any hints I'd gladly take them.
put the GET filters in "accept" attribute and also use "fields" filter to return specific fields of the documents.
XXXX.getUserWithXXXX = function(id, email, cb) {
app.models.XXXX.find({where:{id:"id", email:"email"}, fields:{specific_field1:1, specific_field2:1}}, function(err, returnedUsers){
cb(err, returnedUsers)
XXXX.remoteMethod('getUserWithXXXX', {
description: "Get all users who own a XXXX",
returns: {arg: 'greeting', type: 'string'},
accepts: [{arg: "id",type:"string"}, {arg: "email", type:"string"}],
http: {path: '/getUserWithXXXX', verb: 'get'}