my ec2 instance is failing to continue running. It's being created and then terminated and that's the only error I see in the syslog:
/dev/fd/11: line 1: /sbin/plymouthd: No such file or directory
initctl: Event failed
Stopping atd: [ OK ]
I'm using the latest AMI and searched everywhere and couldn't find a good answer for that. I deleted my scripts in the User-Data to make sure they are not the issue. UserData: Fn::Base64: | #!/bin/bash export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=@AWS::Region
/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v \
--stack @AWS::StackName \
--resource SmoketestInstance \
--region @AWS::Region
cd /smoketest
/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 \
--stack @AWS::StackName \
--region @AWS::Region \
--resource SmoketestInstance
I'm creating everything with cloud formation. And worths to mention that the same AMI is used for another stack and I even created an EC2 now with it just to check if it's working. Any idea or suggestion how can I debug this?
My bad, the stack was being deleted and nothing went wrong. This line confused me but it's absolute fine.