Please consider this table:
Organization State Year Month Value
O1 NY 2017 1 1
01 WA 2017 1 2
01 SA 2017 1 3
O1 NY 2017 2 4
01 WA 2017 2 5
01 SA 2017 2 6
O2 NY 2015 9 7
02 WA 2015 9 8
02 SA 2015 9 9
O2 NY 2016 1 10
02 WA 2016 1 11
02 SA 2016 1 12
O3 NY 2017 8 13
03 WA 2017 8 14
03 SA 2017 8 15
I want to create this result:
Organization Year Month Sum
01 2017 2 15
02 2016 1 33
03 2017 8 42
I want to group on latest Year, Month
and calculate sum. In above sample Organization 01 has data for 2 periods but I want to group on latest period.
var query = from o in MyList
group o by new {c.Organization, c.Year , c.Month} int grp
select new
Try below query:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var results = (from o in MyList
group o by new { o.Organization } into g
select new
Org_Id = g.Key.Organization,
Year = g.Select(x => x.Year)
Month = g.Where(x => x.Year == g.Select(y => y.Year).Max())
.Select(z => z.Month)
Sum = g.Where(x => x.Month == g.Where(y => y.Year == g.Select(z => z.Year).Max())
.Select(y => y.Month)
.Select(z => z.Value)
results.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"Org_Id: {x.Org_Id} \t Year: {x.Year} \t Month: {x.Month} \t Sum: {x.Sum}"));
What we done in query:
1) Group by Organization
2) Org_Id
: as key of your group
3) Year
: select Max
year from group.
4) Month
: select Max
of month by selecting Max
of year from group.
5) Sum
: sum of value by selecting Max
of month of Max
of year from group.
Sql for above query:
SELECT [t1].[Organization] AS [Org_Id], (
SELECT MAX([t2].[Year])
FROM [Org] AS [t2]
WHERE (([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t2].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t2].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t2].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t2].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t2].[Organization]))))
) AS [Year], (
SELECT MAX([t3].[Month])
FROM [Org] AS [t3]
WHERE ([t3].[Year] = ((
SELECT MAX([t4].[Year])
FROM [Org] AS [t4]
WHERE (([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t4].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t4].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t4].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t4].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t4].[Organization]))))
))) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t3].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t3].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t3].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t3].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t3].[Organization])))))
) AS [Month], (
SELECT SUM([t5].[Value])
FROM [Org] AS [t5]
WHERE ([t5].[Month] = ((
SELECT MAX([t6].[Month])
FROM [Org] AS [t6]
WHERE ([t6].[Year] = ((
SELECT MAX([t7].[Year])
FROM [Org] AS [t7]
WHERE (([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t7].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t7].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t7].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t7].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t7].[Organization]))))
))) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t6].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t6].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t6].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t6].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t6].[Organization])))))
))) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t5].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t5].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ((([t1].[Organization] IS NULL) AND ([t5].[Organization] IS NULL)) OR (([t1].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t5].[Organization] IS NOT NULL) AND ([t1].[Organization] = [t5].[Organization])))))
) AS [Sum]
SELECT [t0].[Organization]
FROM [Org] AS [t0]
GROUP BY [t0].[Organization]
) AS [t1]