I use spring ws.
How could I add this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
to my first line in the response?
I tried this block of code but It doesn't work. Could anybody help me?
@Bean (name = "messageFactory")
public SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory () {
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(SOAPMessage.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, Boolean.TRUE);
SaajSoapMessageFactory msgFactory = new SaajSoapMessageFactory();
return msgFactory;
Well at least it worked for me, thanks a lot !
I just changed the value from Boolean.TRUE to "true":
@Bean (name = "messageFactory")
public SaajSoapMessageFactory messageFactory () {
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(SOAPMessage.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION, "true");
SaajSoapMessageFactory msgFactory = new SaajSoapMessageFactory();
return msgFactory;