I created my network with a admin card which I request before, but when I want to import this card to card store it Error:
Failed to import identity. Error: privateKey not specified or not a string
and import failure.
My operation is: 1. create PeerAdmin card:
composer card create -p ./santai/byfn-network-test.json -u PeerAdmin -c ./santai/Admin@santai.chembeango.com-cert.pem -k ./santai/689f471246b0e180384660285aff48dcc5e12b9fd6bed4e5a47cce7ce367310f_sk -r PeerAdmin -r ChannelAdmin -f PeerAdmin@chembeango-network-test.card
import the PeerAdmin card into card store:
composer card import -f PeerAdmin@chembeango-network-test.card --card PeerAdmin@chembeango-network-test
identity request:
composer identity request -c PeerAdmin@chembeango-network-test -u test -s t789456 -d test
composer network start -c PeerAdmin@chembeango-network-test -n chembeango-test-network -V 0.0.1 -o endorsementPolicyFile=./endorsement-policy.json -A test -C test/test-pub.pem
import admin card
composer card import -f test@chembeango-test-network.card
I checked My priv pem, it is:
I have mv my card to a zip file, and unzipped it,the structure is:
extracting: connection.json
extracting: metadata.json
creating: credentials/
extracting: credentials/certificate
I didn't find the priv key, is this the problem?
You are correct, the card that is automatically created for you does not contain the private key!
You need to delete that automatically generated card and create a new one yourself containing the certificate and key. So you will need 2 commands similar to these - I'm suggesting using 'test2' so there is no confusion:
composer card create -p ./santai/byfn-network-test.json -u test -c test/test-pub.pem -k test/test-priv.pem -f test2.card -n chembeango-test-network
composer card import -f test2.card -c test2@chembeango
(The automatically generated cards work OK in single org environments if you specify the username and secret on the composer network start command, but if you request the identity first and then use the certificate on the start command the resulting card does not contain the private key)