I'm using python driver for neo4j (neo4j.v1) and I'm trying to write a generic function that gets node's unique id and a property and returns the value of the property of this node with the unique id.
I have tried using the following code without success :
def prop_by_node_id(tx, node_id, prop):
prop = "s." + prop
result = tx.run("MATCH (s) WHERE s.id = $id return $prop", id=node_id, prop=prop)
I serached for a solution in APOC and couldn't find one. Thank you
Labels, relationship types & properties can't be dynamic into a cypher query. So you need to generate your cypher query in Python.
Moreover, your query will not be performant, because the label is missing on the node s
, so you will do a all node scan
that is really bad.